Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Disclaimer Info on Interval Training

Disclaimer on the Run/Walk Program:

(I was just reading the text above the chart that I put on my last blog and thought I'd include it on here. I might need to change my workout plan/days due to what this says!)

"Be sure to check with your doctor prior to starting any fitness program. This 10-wk program is based on running 4 days a week. Participants should be capable of walking briskly for 20 minutes before starting this plan. As a beginner, do not run more than two training days in a row. Remember to train, not strain, by taking REST days.

This training program builds gradually and will allow you to finish your first 5k feeling strong. Repeat each workout four times throught the week, spacing the training days evenly. For each workout, warm up and cool down with a five-minute walk. "4 intervals (5 min walk + 2 min run)" means walk for five minutes and run for two minutes, then repeat the set three more times.

During your training program, the first few sets of running may feel uncomfortable. If you ahve difficulty, take it slow. With regular workouts and persistence, you'll start to enjoy running. "

- Taken from Womens Running Magazine March/April 2009 issue

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