Monday, October 26, 2009

My Child, the Genius!

Ok so I've never really devoted an entire blog to my child... As much as I love reading my friend's blogs about their precious little ones and seeing pics, I just haven't had the urge to brag about my little man so much (I do it on Facebook and to various friends and family as often as possible though- dont get me wrong!) Its just this blog was originally gonna be more about morphing into a new creation... and just all about... ME! hehe

HOWEVER, I can not be narcissistic any longer.  Because I have now decided I am the proud mother of a boy-wonder, a genius, a mini-einstein if you will! (and I will!)

His Daycare director emailed me this morning some shots of the work the class was doing.   The class was given some random everyday supplies and told to create something.. anything!

I'll let the pic speak for itself: 

Here he is concentrating SO hard on his creation of toothpicks and mini marshmallows.

And now, here's the work in progress.....

And there he is Ladies & Gents- my little Nathan, my gift, my genius. 
He's making a 3 D object with NO assistance from his teacher. 
He came up with the idea himself.. and while his peers are making 2D marshmallow suns with toothpick rays flat on the table- he's making a 3D cube!  And- did I mention that he's only 3? (well for another few hrs anyway!)

Speaking of his age... tomorrow is his bday.  4 years ago today, I was in the hospital being induced... not sure what to expect of labor, delivery, or motherhood...  excited to see what he looked like and if he was a "cute" baby or one of the funny squishy looking ones.  3 yrs and 364 days ago at around 2:45am.... he came into my life and things have never been the same.  And I wouldn't change it for the world!

Here are just a very FEW things that i LOVE about my Nathan Riley:

  • His Smile- and how it lights up his whole face
  • His Laugh- and how you can't help but smile when you hear it
  • His Funny Faces- and how expressive he is
  • His Sense of Humor - that I'm sure he got from his dad
  • His cuddliness- and how he loves to crawl in my bed in the mornings if he gets up first
  • How he says "I just love you mommy" as he looks into my eyes or touches my face.
  • How aware he is of his world.
  • How smart he is and so quick to pick up things.
  • The way he cares about people and asks questions about our friends & fam
  • The way he has been enjoying reading stories in our Kids Bible, learning scriptures with me (to songs of course) and learning how to pray for others!
Ok- that was just a top 10 of the first things that came to mind at the moment.

I'm so proud of my little guy! Can't wait to see what the future holds for us! :)

Thanks for letting me brag!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Death isn't so bad...

Because in death- there is LIFE and ABUNDANT life at that. 

Thats all!

I just wanted to say that death really isn't ALL bad...

My thoughts are kinda jumbled and I"m kinda tired at the moment... but I feel like I'm really moving somewhere... finally.  Its taken 23 yrs as a believer in Christ to realize I REALLY want the relationship... and 23 yrs to realize that I didn't have the closeness, the faith, the hope, or even the peace that I've always thought I did... bc HE has pointed out the areas where I'm weak - in the MOST loving way possible!  And when He points stuff out, its because he wants to fix it.  James 1.  He wants to make ME complete.  He cares about me!  He has a plan for me and a purpose for me and he wants to give me hope and a future!  He didn't say he wants to give me the exact future I've dreamed of... but he did make me promises!  And I know that HE is one who keeps his promises. No matter what! 

I've been reading in the Old Testament lately and realized something... God is a God of details.  I mean teeny tiny details.  Of course we've heard the scriptures about him counting the hair on our heads and feeding the birds and clothing the flowers... but really- in the OT.. he gives GREAT details on stuff.  Anyone ever read Exodus? Like all the way through?  Oh. My. Lanta!! So first he gives specific instructions to the Israelites on where to go... then to moses on the "laws of the age" - including the 10 commandments- but ALSO stuff like "if 2 men are quarelling and a pregnant woman is injured, you must do xyz..." (this is my paraphrase of course)... and then with the Ark of the Covenant instructions and even Noah's Ark instructions.  I mean he gives DIMINSIONS and fabric specs and all SORTS of stuff!!  It was FASCINATING to me that God said this. 

He is so caring.  He laid it all out- the people were quarrelling all the time- so he gave them laws... not just the 10 commandments- though thats what we think of... but all sorts of laws on what to do in interpersonal relationships.  He gave us EVERYTHING we need to follow His will.  It really has just impressed upon me that he is SUCH a God of Details!  So anytime I think that maybe problem q is too small for Him to really care about... or that I'm wasting His time by asking the MILLION questions I ask him... I can now look back at this book and realize - He loves us.  He cares about what we care about. And He wants his people to be equipped!  Anyway- that was just a random side-note.

  I want the day to day interaction with Jesus.  I want to talk with him and listen to him and sit with him.  I want to live a life fully surrendered - whatever that looks like! I want to trust him & I want to be ok not knowing what it will mean or what sacrifice I'll have to give bc I want to believe that no matter what - his way is BEST! 

He wants to talk to me.  He wants to listen to me. He will never give me more than I can handle.  He wants to hold me in his arms and cry with me when I hurt.  He wants to guide me in the day to day and he's ok w my Million questions! :)  He WILL keep His promises.  He will work all things for good... even when I dont follow his detailed plan for me every step of the way.  He will work it all out for HIS glory! 

I'm learning to trust Him.  I'm learning to Obey.  I'm learning to walk the narrow. 

Its good.....

See- dying to yourself really isn't so bad!